Care Assistants of the Month August 2014
Here at myhome care we believe that hard work deserves recognition. We have an exceptional team that works with us both internally and externally. They are dedicated, hard working, reliable and willing to go above and beyond to ensure our care recipients and families receive the best quality of care. This month we have been rewarding our cares for the fantastic work they have been carrying out through out the country.
Carer of the Month August 2014
Our Carer of the Month for August 2014 Felicia Ojo being presented with her Certificate and flowers as a token of appreciation for all her hard work and continuous hard work with at our quarterly staff meeting. Well done and congratulations Felicia.
(Left to right: Alvinia Byrne, Felicia Ojo and Janelle Higgins.)
“Going the extra mile”
Cathy Cullinane, Julie Welby and Comfort Anakwa Brown were also recognised for “Going the extra mile” and were presented with some flowers at our quarterly staff meeting. Congratulations ladies and keep up the good work.
(Left to right: Cathy Cullinane and Moira Culkin)
(Left to right: Julie Welby and Moira Culkin)
(Left to right: Comfort Anakwa Brown and Moira Culkin)
Previous Carer of the Month Winners
May 2014
Our Carer of the Month for May 2014 Rita Hughes being presented with her Certificate and flowers as a token of appreciation for all her hard work and continuous hard work with at our quarterly staff meeting. Congratulations and well done Rita.
(Left to right: Maeve O’Brien, Alvinia Byrne, Janelle Higgins, Rita Hughes and Moira Culkin)
June 2014
Our Carer of the Month for June 2014 Margery Dowling being presented with her Certificate and flowers as a token of appreciation for all her hard work and continuous hard work with at our quarterly staff meeting. Congratulations and well done Margery.
(Left to right:Janelle Higgins, Margery Dowling and Moira Culkin)
July 2014
Our Carer of the Month for July 2014 Aoife Fox being presented with her Certificate and flowers as a token of appreciation for all her hard work and continuous hard work with at our quarterly staff meeting. Congratulations and well done Aoife.
(Left to right: Alvinia Byrne, Aoife Fox and Moira Culkin)
We would like to thank all of our carers for their hard work and dedication. Their can only be one winner each moth and this is no easy task to pick. Keep up the good work and next month it could be you.