Carers Week 2024 Celebrated at Myhomecare

National Carers Week 2024
National Carers Week 2024

Celebrating National Carers Week 2024 at Myhomecare

Carers Week is dedicated to recognizing and supporting the incredible work performed by carers.

This year, National Carers Week has joined forces with Muscular Dystrophy Ireland, along with their Partner Organisations; The Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Irish Cancer Society, Central Remedial Clinic, Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation, Disability Federation Ireland, Irish Hospice Foundation.

The theme for this year is #MakingCaringVisible, and in celebration of this, Myhomecare has chosen to put the spotlight on some of our exceptional carers, showcasing their dedication and commitment to making a difference in the lives of those they care for.

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If you would like to join our award-winning homecare team or start your carer in caring contact us today!

Laísa Matos

Carers Name: Laísa Matos
Location: DML

A female carer
Q. Why did you choose a career in care?

I chose a career as a caregiver because I consider caring for people to be a beautiful mission, it makes me feel like I make a difference in people‘s lives.

Q. What do you enjoy most about working with Myhomecare?

I like working for Myhomecare because I can count on a team that is completely involved and committed to their work. I feel respected and valued.

Q. What advice would you give to someone interested in a career in care?

For those who want to work as a carer, I would say be responsible and kind to your clients, create bonds and treat them as you would want other people to treat your mother, brother or grandparents.

Courtney Flynn

Carers Name: Courtney Flynn
Location: Dublin North East

Click on the video below to hear Courtney’s story

Lisa Brazil

Carers Name: Lisa Brazil
Location: South of Ireland

A female carer
Q. Why did you choose a career in care?

I decided to become a carer as I love working with older people.
I find it very rewarding.
Enabling people to stay in their own homes.

Q. What do you enjoy most about working with Myhomecare?

I love working with Myhomecare as we are treated very well by the company.

Q. What advice would you give to someone interested in a career in care?

I would encourage them as it is such a rewarding career.
Working with the vulnerable in your community.
Helping people in the hard time and the happy times.

Audrey Reidy

Carers Name: Audrey Reidy
Location: Limerick / Clare

A female carer
Q. Why did you choose a career in care?

I started caring for a family member who developed Alzheimer’s in their late 80’s and took up the role of being a fulltime carer for them.

I enjoyed helping a family member who was in need of assistance and it was really rewarding as I started to notice the impact my support had on their life.

Q. What do you enjoy most about working with Myhomecare?

The hours are flexible and the management team are always on the other end of the phone to help with any queries or for a simple chat.

Q. What advice would you give to someone interested in a career in care?

You would need to ask yourself if you are a patient, helpful, caring and a kind individual willing to make a difference to vulnerable people.
Every day is different, but you finish your day knowing that you have made a difference to another person. It’s a rewarding job and that’s what I like about being a carer.

John Walsh

Carers Name: John Walsh
Location: West of Ireland

A male carer
Q. Why did you choose a career in care?

I chose a career in care because I have always been deeply moved by the struggles of those who are facing health challenges.

Every person deserves to feel valued, respected, and supported, especially during their most vulnerable times. Being able to provide comfort, understanding, and assistance to those who are sick is a privilege and an honour.

Q. What do you enjoy most about working with Myhomecare?

What I enjoy most about working with Myhomecare is the incredible sense of friendship and camaraderie that exists among all the staff and management.

We are like a close-knit family, always supporting and encouraging each other. This positive and collaborative environment allows us to provide the best possible care for our clients.

Knowing that we are all in this together, working towards a common goal of improving our clients’ lives, makes every day rewarding and fulfilling. It’s truly inspiring to be part of such a dedicated and compassionate team.

Q. What advice would you give to someone interested in a career in care?

To anyone interested in a career in care, my advice would be to embrace the journey with an open heart and a compassionate spirit. This field is incredibly rewarding, but it also requires patience, empathy, and resilience. Remember that your kindness and dedication can profoundly impact the lives of those you care for.

Also, cherish the relationships you build with both your clients and your colleagues—these connections will provide you with invaluable support and a sense of community.

Always be willing to learn and grow, and don’t hesitate to lean on your team for advice and encouragement. Your commitment to caring for others is truly a gift, and it will bring immense fulfillment to both you and those you help.

Cancer Survivors Awareness Day

Care Day 2024
Cancer Survivors Awareness Day

Cancer Survivors Awareness Day

Cancer Survivors Awareness Day is dedicated to celebrating the strength and bravery of individuals who have overcome cancer. It’s a day that recognises their journey and offers support to those still battling the disease. Cancer survivorship is something to be extremely proud of and demonstrates a difficult period in an individual’s life. There are many ways to support this cause including fundraising and sharing stories. Myhomecare spoke to our very own cancer survivor and heard her inspiring story. With the right people and the right care, the challenges faced can be overcome together.

Myhomecare’s Inspiring Story

Client Care Manager- Cliodhna O’Connell

This is my personal story of my journey with breast cancer. 

One evening seven years ago, at the age of 48, I found a lump in my right breast. The following day I went to the doctor who referred me to a consultant for a biopsy. I had the procedure that day and waited 2 weeks for the results. To distract myself I went to France on holidays with my husband. When I returned, I received my results. I knew it was not good when I was taken into a room with couches to sit down. Unfortunately I was right and the results were not good, the cancer had travelled to my lymph nodes. This meant I would require a much larger operation than I had expected.  

This was a very scary time, but my husband and family were amazing. The following week I had my operation and stayed in hospital for 7 days. A month later I received an appointment to go and meet the chemo nurses. I have to say I found this day very difficult as I had to walk through the room where people were getting their treatment, and I knew next week this would be me. I had 16 weeks of chemo and on the 3rd week I lost my hair, this was very tough. I finished on the 16th of December. I cannot speak highly enough of the staff in the hospital, they were amazing. I then had a break from this treatment for about a month, which was fantastic and gave me some time to rest.

Radiotherapy began for 3 months which was less daunting in comparison to the first round of treatments. I was very lucky that through all of this, my employer Declan Murphy facilitated me to continue to work as I could not afford to not work.  

After this long journey I am now 6 years cancer free. Hopefully by sharing my story it will benefit those who have survived cancer as well as those who are going through it.

The Importance of Cancer Survivorship Day

There is an increasing number of individuals who are living beyond cancer because of the progress made in cancer research today. This is creating a need for celebration for these improved treatments that have contributed to higher survival rates and a better quality of life for survivors.

Cancer survivorship represents triumph over the disease and the challenges that come with it. It is a day that promotes awareness about the ongoing needs of survivors and the importance of continued support and care. They may face many challenges, such as physical or emotional side effects and the need for ongoing medical care. Awareness provides a platform for survivors to connect, share their experiences and find support from a wider community.

The number of cancer survivors is projected to grow to 26.0 million by 2040.

Oncology Care with Myhomecare

Myhomecare provide specialised Oncology Care carers and Oncology Care nurses to assist individuals with cancer and their families. A member of our team can offer you support and advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

The delivery of oncology care focuses on the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of the individual and providing the best quality of life possible for both the individual and family.

Contact Myhomecare today for more information.

How to Support Cancer Awareness

There are many ways to support cancer awareness. Fundraisers are an enjoyable way to raise money for cancer research. By spreading personal experiences of cancer it can encouragement and support others going through it. There are also other forms of support in relation to organisations that offer guidance to those affected.

  • Attend Fundraisers and Events: Participate in events organised in your community, such as a bake sale or a walk. These are fun ways to raise money for such a great cause and bring the whole community together.
  • Offer to Listen: Provide a compassionate space for survivors you know to share their experiences. Offer encouragement, empathy, and support throughout their journey.
  • Honor Cancer Survivors: Take a moment to acknowledge and honor the cancer survivors in your life. Reach out to them, send a heartfelt message, or spend quality time together.

Other Forms of Support

The Irish Cancer Society are a community who help individuals affected by cancer. They offer information about support services as well as an online community where individuals can share their stories about cancer and get advice.

The Marie Keating Foundation provides vital information, advice and support on the signs and symptoms of cancer as well as help to prevent cancer or detect it at its earliest stages. The Marie Keating Foundation’s Survive and Thrive workshops and seminars have been created to help men and women who have finished cancer treatment to adapt to the ‘new normal.’

ARC Cancer Support Centres provide psychological, emotional, educational and practical support in a warm and welcoming environment to people with cancer and those who care for them. 

By acknowledging survivors of cancer, it creates a supportive environment to everyone affected by this disease. Whether that is a family member who has witnessed their loved one go through it or if it is someone who is currently going through cancer treatment. There are many ways to raise awareness and every individual has the right to tell their story as a way to encourage others to stay strong and overcome the challenges they may face. Creating a secure environment where survivors can unite, narrate their tales, and derive solace and motivation from each other’s experiences is vital in standing strong together.

If you would like more information about Myhomecare’s services

World Meditation Day: A Guide for Caregivers

Care Day 2024

World Meditation Day 2024: A Guide for Caregivers

World Meditation Day falls each year on May 21st and is aimed at creating awareness around the many benefits of meditation. It is a day that promotes self-care as a constant in our every day lives and demonstrates how meditation is particularly beneficial during busy, stressful times by calming our mental and emotional state of being.

It’s estimated that between 200 and 500 million people meditate around the world.

The role of a caregiver is a busy, responsible job and there are times when it can be a demanding role, requiring both empathy and technical skill to provide effective support for those who rely on it. This is why it is vital for caregivers to take care of their own mental and emotional health in order to provide the best quality of care.

Supporting our Careworkers at Myhomecare

At Myhomecare, supporting our careworkers creates an environment that reduces stress and brings a sense of community into work life. From  training and career progression with our Care Academy to support and guidance through our dedicated managers. Myhomecare recognise the importance of mental and emotional health for their caregivers as well as those receiving care.

I am happy that I work with Myhomecare, it is the best company I have worked with and the workers are very nice as well as the managers. l love working with them”.
Linda Omotayo/ Homecare Assistant

If you are interested in working with us, contact Myhomecare today for more information.

What is Meditation?

Meditation has been used for centuries to nurture a sense of calm and inner peace. It involves training the mind and rewiring negative thinking. Techniques can vary widely, but they generally involve mindfulness, concentration, or focusing on a particular object, thought, or activity. Meditation trains the mind to stay calm and focused and is often practiced seated or lying down in a quiet environment, but it can also be incorporated into daily activities such as walking and eating. The different types of meditation include:

  • Mindfulness Meditation: attention on breath, bodily sensations, thoughts, or emotions without judgment is practiced. The goal is to cultivate present-moment awareness and acceptance of one’s experiences.
  • Concentration Meditation: involves focusing the mind on a single point of reference, such as a mantra (a word or phrase), a visual object (like a candle flame), or the sensations of the breath. The aim is to train the mind to remain concentrated and steady.
  • Loving-Kindness Meditation: loving-kindness meditation involves cultivating feelings of compassion and goodwill towards oneself and others. Phrases are repeated or affirmations wishing happiness, peace, and well-being for themselves and others.
  • Body Scan Meditation: body scan meditation involves systematically scanning through the body, bringing awareness to each part and noticing any sensations or tensions present. This helps to promote relaxation and body awareness.

How To Meditate

A simple way to meditate is to:
1. Close your eyes.
2. Focus on taking deep breaths in and out and allow the mind to empty of thoughts.
3. Acknowledge thoughts if they pop up and simply wave them on their way like clouds in the sky.
4. Continue to breathe deeply and use it to deepen an inner sense of calm, until ready to open your eyes and continue with your day.

World Meditation Day: A Guide for Caregivers

The Benefits of Meditation

There are many benefits from meditating regularly, these include both physical and mental benefits and are a reason as to why meditation is becoming increasingly popular all over the world as a way to manage the challenges that life brings.

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety: promotes relaxation by activating the body’s relaxation response, which can lower levels of stress hormones like cortisol. By promoting mindfulness and acceptance, meditation can help individuals manage anxious thoughts and emotions more effectively.
  • Improved Relationships: meditation can enhance interpersonal relationships by promoting empathy, compassion, and emotional regulation. By cultivating a greater sense of connection, individuals can experience more fulfilling and harmonious relationships.
  • Enhances Concentration: meditation can improve cognitive function, leading to better focus, concentration, and productivity. By training the mind to stay present and focused, meditation can improve mental clarity.
  • Better Sleep: promotes relaxation and helps individuals unwind before bedtime, leading to improved sleep quality. Regular meditation can help reduce insomnia symptoms.

How to Take Part in World Meditation Day

1. Many organisations host global meditation sessions on World Meditation Day. Connect with thousands of others around the world and meditate together.
2. Attend a group meditation session at a local park or virtually.
3. Why not spread the love by sharing your meditation experience on social media? Use the hashtag #WorldMeditationDay to join the trend.

World Meditation Day is a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of meditation in creating mental well-being and resilience. For caregivers, who may face busy schedules and emotional challenges in their roles, incorporating meditation into a daily routine can be especially beneficial.

With regular self-care and engaging in meditation practice, caregivers can cultivate inner peace, emotional balance, and greater resilience to the demands of their caregiving responsibilities. With a greater awareness of the amazing benefits of meditation, everyone will have the chance to experience calmness and clarity throughout the stresses of daily life.

If you would like to be a part of our dedicated team

Care Day 2024

Care Day 2024
Care Day 2024

Care Day 2024

February 16th celebrates Care Day and the theme for this year’s Care Day 2024 is: “I am what I choose to become” with a focus on children in care. It’s message is – aim high, dream big, and reach for your goals! An inspiring message for those in care as well as caregivers themselves.

Many families are turning to homecare as a way to provide the best possible support for their loved ones. Homecare is becoming increasingly popular among people of all ages who want the comfort and convenience of receiving professional health services in a familiar environment, without sacrificing quality medical attention. There are many benefits for people of all ages, from young children right through to seniors. It is a rewarding profession that provides the ability to remain independent and empowers clients to live with dignity at home in the knowledge that they will receive the best possible care in the right place at the right time.

Paediatric Care with Myhomecare

• At, we understand that there is nothing more important than a child’s wellbeing. Therefore we provide from 2 hours up to 24 hours of Paediatric care.
• We provide premium community care services to children with both special needs and special care requirements throughout Ireland. 
• All our nurses are highly qualified in the care of children and receive ongoing training on all new clinical practices and procedures.
• Our caregivers enjoy their roles and remain working with us, so there is a familiar face who knows the specific needs and routines.

Contact Myhomecare today for more information.

The Benefits of Working as a Caregiver

Becoming a social care worker or caregiver offers a rewarding and fulfilling career path, characterised by a profound impact on individuals and communities alike. With a growing emphasis on compassionate and person-centered care, it plays a pivotal role in supporting vulnerable populations, fostering inclusion, and promoting social justice. Working in various settings such as residential care homes, community centers, or domiciliary/homecare, there is an opportunity to build meaningful relationships, providing vital assistance with daily tasks, emotional support, and advocacy. It offers opportunities for continuous learning and professional development, enabling caregivers to enhance their skills and make a tangible difference in the lives of others while contributing positively to society.

  • Impactful Relationships: Caregivers have the privilege of forming deep connections with those they assist, fostering trust, companionship, and mutual respect. These relationships often transcend the boundaries of professional care, enriching both the caregiver and the individual receiving care.
  • Sense of Purpose: There is immense satisfaction in knowing this work has a meaningful purpose – to enhance the independence, dignity, and comfort of vulnerable individuals. This sense of purpose drives dedication and commitment to the role.
  • Contributing to Society: This profession plays an essential role in supporting the most vulnerable members of society, contributing to the overall well-being and inclusivity of communities. Their work not only benefits individuals on a personal level but also contributes to the broader social fabric by promoting empathy and compassion.
  • Variety and Challenge: Every day as a caregiver presents unique challenges and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Whether it’s adapting to different care needs, problem-solving in complex situations, or collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, caregivers are constantly learning and evolving in their practice.

Myhomecare’s Inspiring Story

Athena Briggs- Homecare Supervisor

Care Day 2024

“This is my personal story of success through empowerment and how Myhomecare have believed in me, supported me and encouraged me to pursue what I’m born to do and what I have chosen to become– to care for others with compassion, understanding, empathy and a sprinkle of love!

I was a natural caregiver from a young age and helped to look after my younger siblings growing up, taking on a lot of the caring and household responsibilities. I felt like I had found my life’s calling as I was always caring for someone in some way. Once I became a mother and my youngest son had started school, I had to consider myself and my career path as I had put it on hold so many times. I then looked at gaining some qualifications and signed up for my QQI level 5 healthcare support major award which I passed with a Distinction.

I joined the Myhomecare team in September 2021 as a community HCA . This enabled me to manage my family and work life efficiently as I was able to control my own work schedule. I thoroughly enjoyed working with people in their own homes as you got to know them on a more personal level, which really helped when supporting them through the good and bad times. They were always complimenting me on the way I provided their care and it always made my heart feel warm and fuzzy knowing they enjoyed having me in their homes supporting them. That feeling is worth more than any amount of money!

Whilst working with Myhomecare I was acknowledged for my work as a caregiver and received Carer of the Quarter and Carer of the Year awards. But I still felt like something was missing and I could do more and achieve more.

In 2023, the supervisory role was advertised and I decided to go for it. I was successful in getting the role and delighted to be a part of a team of people working together. Myhomecare believed in me, acknowledged my skills and experience and encouraged me to carry on doing what I was good at, giving me more opportunities, teams and tools to allow me to just be me as I naturally am – a caregiver.

My determination and experiences have empowered me to succeed and help others to do the same, especially the individuals I care for. I am thankful that Myhomecare have supported me and given me such amazing opportunities to succeed further in my career.”

The Importance of Homecare

Whether a senior, someone living with a disability, or a busy family in need of support, homecare services can be tailored to meet all individual needs. Personalised care allows the caregiver to understand the unique circumstances of the person they are looking after, and provide for them in the best way possible. This approach to creating care plans goes beyond a person’s surface needs and takes their preferences, cultural background, interests and routines into account. Homecare is not just about keeping someone safe, it is about enhancing the quality of life and helps to remove any feelings of loneliness or isolation.

  • Flexibility: Homecare adapts to changing circumstances and evolving needs. Care plans can be modified as the individual’s health status changes, ensuring that they continue to receive appropriate care and support. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for those with progressive conditions or recovering from surgery or illness.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Providers take cultural and personal preferences into account when delivering care as they become familiar with the individual. This sensitivity to cultural, dietary, and religious considerations can lead to better, individualised care.
  • Comprehensive Services: Agencies often offer a wide range of services, including personal care, companionship, medication management, physical therapy, and specialised care for conditions like dementia or diabetes. These services can be combined and customised to address an individual’s specific health and lifestyle requirements.
  • Lower Overhead Costs: Homecare agencies do not have the same overhead costs as hospitals or long-term care facilities. They don’t need to maintain large facilities, pay for utilities on a massive scale, or provide round-the-clock staffing in the same way. This results in lower operating costs.
  • Reduced Hospital Readmissions: It can help prevent hospital readmissions by providing ongoing monitoring and care management. Hospital readmissions can be expensive, and reducing them can lead to significant cost savings for both patients and the healthcare systems.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Care can be scheduled as needed, providing flexibility. This can be more cost-effective than paying for 24/7 care in a facility, especially if the individual only requires assistance for a few hours a day.

Working as a caregiver is a uniquely fulfilling profession that offers a blend of personal satisfaction and professional growth. Homecare forges meaningful relationships with clients, creating a positive impact on individuals’ lives. There’s a profound sense of purpose in this profession where it directly enhances the independence, dignity, and comfort of those in need.

With each day presenting new challenges and opportunities for growth, caregivers navigate diverse care needs with empathy and dedication, this not only improves the well-being of clients but also contributes to the fabric of inclusive and supportive communities.

Interested in a profession as a care worker with Myhomecare?