Keep Well This Winter

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider

Keep Well This Winter

Winter in Ireland is a gloomy time of year. The dark days can be lonely and it’s easy to get sick or have weather related accidents. Each winter, vulnerable people are more susceptible to hospital visits which can put pressure on emergency departments and acute hospitals.

Cold air and gloomy skies can make anyone feel less cheerful during the winter months. However, depression can have an outsized effect on seniors and their long-term mental health. Creating opportunities for socialization and finding joyful moments isn’t just for fun – it can help foster critical connection and combat loneliness. There are a variety of uplifting activities that can be enjoyed during the winter months. These include movie nights, and getting outside on a rare sunny day.

It’s important for everyone to stay safe this winter, but it is particularly important for older adults so stay safe. Older adults can lose body heat fast—faster than when they were young. Changes in your body that come with aging can make it harder for you to be aware of getting cold. A big chill can turn into a dangerous problem before an older person even knows what’s happening. Doctors call this serious problem hypothermia.

What is Hypothermia?

Hypothermia is a medical condition that occurs when your body temperature drops below 35°C. When this happens, the body’s internal organs don’t work properly. This can cause serious health problems, such as heart failure.

Older adults are especially at risk for developing hypothermia. This is because their bodies are not as efficient at regulating temperature and they may be more vulnerable to the cold due to age-related changes in body composition, such as reduced muscle mass. Older adults may also lack the awareness of how to protect themselves from the cold and may not recognize early signs of hypothermia, such as confusion or shivering.

The best way to keep older adults safe this winter is to prevent hypothermia before it starts. This means dressing warmly in layers and avoiding prolonged exposure to cold temperatures, especially when windy or wet. It’s also important to ensure that the home is adequately

5 Ways to Stay Well This Winter

1. Wrap up warm – Make sure you wrap up well when going out, as cold weather can increase the risk of illnesses such as colds and flu. Wear several layers of clothing to help keep your body temperature steady and wear a hat, scarf and gloves when necessary

2. Eat well – Eating nutritious meals is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. Choose nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins to stay energized and help ward off winter illnesses.

3. Stay active – Regular exercise can help boost your immune system, reduce stress and make you feel better in general. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking or cycling, for five days a week.

4. Get enough sleep – Lack of sleep can make you more susceptible to illnesses. Aim for seven to nine hours of good quality sleep each night and try to stick to regular sleeping patterns throughout the winter months.

5. Stay social – Socializing with family and friends can help reduce stress and make you feel more connected. Try to arrange regular catch-ups with people, whether virtually or in person, depending on the local restrictions. Doing activities together such as online quizzes, walks or watching a movie are all great ways to pass the time and stay social during the winter months

By following these tips, older adults can stay healthy and safe during the winter months. It’s important to take care of yourself in order to avoid any illnesses or health risks caused by cold weather. Stay warm, eat nutritiously and enjoy the company of family and friends this winter!

How Myhomecare Can Help

Our goal is to provide uplifting home care that benefits those who need caring and their families. tailor-made home care services and packages cover a wide range of services from basic home help and befriending to advanced nursing care and supported hospital discharge.

Our home care service doesn’t stop at providing nurses or carers. Myhomecare can offer routine medical services such as vaccinations or pharmacy delivery in the comfort of your own home. We also work with medical practitioners and suppliers to provide a wide range of supportive solutions such as home adaptations, essential medical supplies and partnership with your primary care team.

So if you are looking for someone to assist you with shopping, 24 homecare packages or nursing care for a loved one, contact us today here.

How Isaac Care Can Help

Isaac Care’s aim is to lower hospital visits as care can be given at home instead. Isaac’s early intervention at the first sign of declining health prevents the need for hospital admissions, creates a reduction in readmission rates and reduces demand for GP visits.

Isaac Fall Alarm connects to the Isaac Care app providing real time updates to families. It ensures there is help when you need it, whenever you need it. It is also a GPS enabled fall alarm and is ideal for people of all ages who are concerned about their wellbeing and safety both at home, and while out and about. You can find out more about the Isaac Care Fall Alarm here.

Get in Touch

Our dedicated team are on hand to assist you in any way.

Careers In Independent Living

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider

Independent Living Careers

Independent living doesn’t mean you have to be alone. There is support on hand if you ever need it in the form of homecare. Living alone can be challenging but homecare combined with assistive technology allows the elderly and vulnerable to carry on with their lives as independently as they can but with the knowledge that help is available. 
Homecare services have been designed to assist expecting mothers, babies, and young and older adults from birth to retirement and beyond. There are a variety of fulfilling careers that focus on helping people to live independently. The importance of homecare workers cannot be underestimated, you get to give back to your community and care for people in a very special way indeed. A career in independent living is very rewarding, allowing you to help people maintain their independence and dignity. 

Data from 2019 shows 65,247 people aged 65+ were in receipt of home support, both public and private, resulting in 24.7 million home support hours. This number is growing which means there is always a demand for more carers within the workforce. 

Myhomecare is a HSE recognised national supplier of homecare. Established in 2006 by Servisource Recruitment, it employs over 220 staff, including administrative staff as well as homecare workers. 
If you are interested in helping people live independently, you can explore an array of jobs within the following fields: domestic home support, tracheostomy homecare, mental healthcare, pediatric care and palliative care among others. 

Reasons to Work in Homecare 

  • A rewarding career 
  •  Flexible hours 
  • Create bonds with people 
  • Supportive team atmosphere 
  • Giving back to the community
  • Develop valuable clinical skills

There are a range of different jobs on offer throughout Ireland.

Some available positions include:

Homecare Nurses

Homecare Assistants

Personal Care Assistants

Myhomecare partnered with Isaac Care

Carer helping in independent living

As well as in-person care, Myhomecare has partnered up with the Isaac Care, creating a complete independent living solution. Isaac Care is a complete solution designed to assist people safely and independently in their own home. Combining our Circle of Care app, with assistive technology and a complete wraparound care service, Isaac Care offers you the support you need for the hours of the day when homecare and family carers can’t be with you. Giving you reassurance that Isaac Care’s expert team are on hand whenever you need them. 

Isaac Care is proud to be partnered with Myhomecare. Myhomecare currently holds the International Gold Seal in quality by JCI. They are one of an exclusive group of 24 Homecare companies globally who have attained the required standard and the only one in Ireland in our sector. This accreditation demonstrates the excellence in service delivery from the Myhomecare team and their dedication to their staff, clients and their families.

“Knowing that your time with them makes a huge difference to their day and that they look forward to seeing you is such a great feeling.”

Lisa Brazil,
Myhomecare Carer

If you feel like helping people is the job for you, why not give a job in homecare a try. There are a range of courses to choose and there is bound to be one suited to your needs.

Get in Touch

Our dedicated team are on hand to assist you in any way. Contact us on +1 800 400 900 or email us and one of our team will be in touch.

A Month of Wellness: Celebrating Wellbeing, Self-Care, and Healthy Habits

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider

A Month of Wellness: Celebrating Wellbeing, Self-Care, and Healthy Habits

Did you know August is National Wellness Month. This means focusing on self-care, managing stress and creating wholesome habits in your lifestyle for the month of August.  In this blog, we will discuss the importance of Wellness and why we should be making our wellbeing a priority this month and all year round.

What Is Wellness and Why Is It Important?

Wellness involves practicing healthy habits on a daily basis for better physical and mental health.

Why should we focus on our wellbeing? Because when we are well, we are able to show up as our best selves in all areas of our lives. When we feel good mentally and physically, we have more energy to put towards our relationships, careers and hobbies.

One way is to focus on healthy habits such as eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing stress effectively. Another way is to make time for self-care activities that help you relax and rejuvenate.

Types of Wellness

There are different types of wellness that we should all strive to maintain. These include:

-Physical Wellness: This is our body’s overall condition and includes exercise, nutrition and sleep habits.

-Mental Wellness: This is our state of mind and includes our thoughts, feelings and emotions.

-Emotional Wellness: This is our ability to cope with life’s challenges in a healthy way.

-Spiritual Wellness: This is our sense of purpose and connection to something larger than ourselves.

-Occupational Wellness: This is our satisfaction and engagement with our work.

Making Wellness A Priority

Now that we know what wellness is and why it’s important, let’s talk about how we can make it a priority in our lives. Below are some tips on making wellness a part of your everyday life:

-Schedule time for yourself: Make sure to schedule time each day or week to do things that make you feel good. This could be anything from reading, taking a bath or going for a walk outdoors.

-Create healthy habits: Habits are easy to form and hard to break. So why not create ones that will benefit your wellbeing? Try swapping out unhealthy habits with healthier alternatives like meditation or journaling.

-Find a balance: It’s important to find a balance between work and play, rest and activity. When we have too much of one thing, it can lead to burnout. Make sure to schedule time for both work and leisure activities so you don’t get overwhelmed.

-Connect with others: Social connection is so important for our mental health. Spend time with loved ones or join a club or group that shares your interests. Take 10 minutes out of your day to call someone that makes you happy.

-Nourish your mind and body: Eating nutritious foods and exercising regularly are great ways to nourish your mind and body. To help nourish your mind, find things that make you happy and do them often.

Exercise: We know how difficult it can be to gather the motivation to exercise, but even 20 to 30 minutes of exercise can make a positive impact on your mood. Start of small by taking a brisk walk after work or use the stairs instead of opting for the elevator.

Commit to making small changes that will lead to big improvements in your wellbeing.

Remember, it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself. Your wellbeing is worth the effort.

Get in Touch

Our dedicated team are on hand to assist you in any way.
Contact us on +1 800 400 900 or email us and one of our team will be in touch.

Success! 4 In a row for Louth Age Friendly Fair

Success! 4 In a row for

Louth Age Friendly Fair

As Louth host Ireland’s largest Age Friendly Fair for the fourth consecutive year, people turn out in their thousands to see what the “wee county” has to offer their senior generation. An estimated 3,000 people travelled nationwide to attend this Age Friendly Fair in the Crowne Plaza Hotel Dundalk last Sunday.

Age Friendly Fair -Myhomecare stand Age Friendly Fair - Declan Murphy Myhomecare CEO


To say this event was a success is an understatement as over 50 exhibitors in various sectors attended the fair showcasing their finest products and services to the local community. Catering for all of our senior’s needs and more, the public had a chance to view what options are available for the senior generation, from care at home to healthcare services, retirement and pension advice, local travel initiatives to sampling local produce and more.

Age Friendly Fair -Stand Age Friendly Fair - Stand Age Friendly Fair - stand

Throughout the day we heard a number of informative talks on the latest services and initiatives available to our senior generation in Louth. Kicking things off with the launch of their latest service was Flexibus, Ireland’s first community care service, giving a presentation on their rural transport scheme. “This project is aimed at giving older people door-to-door transport through voluntary aid.”

We also heard Dementia Awareness and Body Mapping giving talks in the field along with demonstrations from Carmel Dowdall Chair Aerobics and Rosin Flanagan from McCabes Pharmacy, finishing off with live music from the O’Brien Brothers.Age Friendly Fair - Chaerobics

Undoubtedly stealing the show on the day had to the production team from the acclaimed documentary “Older Than Ireland”. This Irish documentary uncovers 100 years of a life as seen through the eyes of 30 Irish centenarians. Film producer Garry Walsh walked us through the highs and lows of making the documentary with his cast of Ireland’s oldest people, Kathleen Snavely (113-years-old) and Luke Dolan (108-years-old)

This annual fair truly is a community event supported by the Louth Age Friendly County Initiative, Age Friendly Business Forum, Louth Older People’s Forum, Dundalk Chamber of Commerce and Ardee Traders Association and finally the events main sponsor

Louth Age Friendly Co-ordinator Mary Deery said “It has surpassed all our expectations in the last three years and I’m delighted with the take-up in age friendly business offerings.”

Myhomecare are Age Friendly Fair - Blathnait (homecare manager) and Jenny (Homcare coordinator)honoured to be part of such an informative and exciting event and are already looking forward to another successful Age Friendly Fair in 2016.