Pharmacy Medication Services Pharmacy Medication Services – more than just a home care pharmacy

Our fully qualified garda vetted pharmacy medication services dispensing team are here to ensure that your medicines are dispensed accurately and efficiently each time every time. We take a personal interest in each client and every client, to ensure that you have the right medicines at the right time at the right dose. Medicines when taken properly can be the most effective way of ensuring that your quality of life remains as high as possible for as long as possible. When you experience difficulty with medicines, we may occasionally refer you to our consultant pharmacist to review how the medicines are working for you and whether some small changes or increased understanding may ensure that you achieve the outcome that your prescriber intended your prescription was written. Prescriptions are prepared quickly and safely and every item is checked twice by our staff.

For many people it can be inconvenient to attend a pharmacy each or when you need to you just may not be able to go. To reduce this inconvenience you have the option of getting all your prescriptions delivered straight to your door. Medications can be dispensed in medicine pods of your ease. We supply medications on all prescription schemes to GMS, to private clients on DPS and on the LTI scheme, the psychiatric and HI-tech schemes.

• Vaccination programmes – providing vaccinations in your own home, preventing the need for a visit to your hospital/GP.

•  IV therapy – enabling individuals to receive ongoing intravenous antibiotics
facilitating early discharge from hospital and safe and effective
care at home.

• myhomecare pharmacy – delivering ordered products to your own home or a place that is convenient to you.